Submit a Request / 提交申请

Please use this form to express an interest for the White Group (select #1), or to request special protection (#2) or special energy (#3) (for those two cases, only if you’ve been instructed to submit such request), or to inquire about other matters (#4).

请用此表格提交对白组的兴趣 (选#1) , 或申请特殊保护 (#2) 或特殊能量 (#3) (这两种情况仅限于如果您被通知到来提交此申请), 或者提交其它申请 (#4)。

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Step 1 of 2
1. Name / 名和姓
For #2: Please specify a 2-hour window best for your daily meditation, so we can put in a protection for you. The protection will take effect in 24 hours. (If you need to change this window later, please submit a new request using the same name and email as before.) 选项#2: 请选择最适合您每天冥想的2小时窗口,以便为您提供保护。 保护将在24小时内生效。 (如果您将来需要更改此窗口,请用跟上次相同的姓名和邮件重新提交此表格。)