1. Having your dimensions read is an incredible gift for you. It’s rare in this world that you will get another opportunity as amazing as this one. So please cherish this opportunity and join Zoom meeting on time.

读您的维度是给您的一份珍贵的礼物。 在世间您可能很难得再会有像这次这样奇妙的机会。 所以请珍惜这次机会而且准时参加Zoom会议。

2. Click to print the template for taking notes during your reading (you can take notes on any other paper if you do not have a printer, but please read the template before the session, so you can know what notes to take and how to take the notes.) You will need those notes in the future.

点击打印阅读笔记模板(如果您没有打印机,可以在其它纸上做笔记。但请在会前阅读笔记模板,以便您知道应该做哪些笔记, 以及如何做笔记。)您以后会需要这些笔记。

3. Please upload some basic information about you, so we can see whether dimension-reading is suitable for you. If not, we will regrettably let you know. If yes, we will guide you to schedule a dimension-reading session.

请上传您的一些基本信息,以便我们了解您是否适合读维度。 如果不适合,我们会遗憾地告诉您。 如果适合,我们将给您安排读维度的时间。

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Step 1 of 2
1. Name of Person to be Read / 被读维度的人的名字
E.g. self, friends… / 比如:自己, 朋友…
If nobody introduced you, please specify how you found UHD? 如果您没有介绍人,请说明您是怎样知道UHD的?
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 3 files.
Please label your filename: Photo-Your Name (max size 500mb/file). / 请标注您的文件名:照片-您的名字(不超过500MB/单文件)。