Welcome to the Gold Group! 欢迎来到金组 !

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Gold represents leadership and influence.

The Gold Group is for people who have the world in their hearts, can lead teams and foster collaborations with leaders of other communities around the world.


  1. same as the commitments for the Blue Group,
  2. on track with fulfilling own responsibilities,
  3. play significant and effective leadership roles,
  4. can properly work with other leaders worldwide to accomplish greater goals.

The Gold Group is by invitation only. It contains some Blue Group members and invitees from other communities.


金组包含心怀天下, 能够带领团队并促进全球合作的人。


  1. 做到蓝组的要求,
  2. 在稳步地完成自己的责任,
  3. 同时在有效地承担重要的团队责任,
  4. 可以合体地与全球的其他领导者合作, 实现更大的目标。

金组仅限邀请加入。它包含蓝组部分成员, 也可能邀请其他群体的人员参加。

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