Welcome to the Green Group 欢迎来到绿组 !

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Green represents life force and opening.

The Green Group is for people who are committed to opening their connection with the high dimensions of the Universe, and to taking the following 6 actions consistently.

  1. connect with your dimensions daily for 20+ minutes,
  2. consistently and punctually attend 2x/week Green Group zoom meetings for special energy and learning,
  3. take reishi daily to help you connect with your dimensions better, especially before each special-energy zoom meeting,
  4. do charitable work monthly to balance the energy in 3-worlds, protecting yourself and those who help you open,
  5. keep your body, soul and spirit clean and in their best states with balanced nutrition and rest, so you first heal yourself before you can help others,
  6. submit your self-assessment monthly to gauge your progress.

The Green Group prepares you for advancing to the Blue Group.

If you feel not yet ready after joining the Green Group, you can return to the White Group any time and resubmit the request to join the Green Group when you are ready.



  1. 每天跟自己的维度连接20分钟以上,
  2. 每周准时参加两次绿组Zoom会议来接收特殊能量和学习,
  3. 每天服用灵芝帮助自己更好地跟维度连接, 尤其是在每次特殊能量Zoom会议之前,
  4. 每月做慈善来平衡三界的能量, 保护自己和帮您开启的人,
  5. 保持您身心灵的干净和最佳状态, 均衡营养和休息, 先疗愈自己才能帮到他人,
  6. 每月提交自我评估, 以衡量自己的进展。



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