Mission & Team
- Unlock Highest Dimension, Inc. (UHD) is a not-for-profit corporation with the following mission:
- Gather people with spirit gifts around the world, open their connection with the high dimensional wisdom of the Universe, so they can complete their calling and return to the N-dimensional Universe.
- Chair
- William H. : A master healer from an ancient lineage. Dedicated to identifying gifted individuals worldwide, opening their connections with the high dimensions of the Universe, and assisting them in fulfilling their callings.
- Secretary
- Dr. Steve L. : Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at The Ohio State University (1982-2024). Published 100+ papers and served in various Chair positions for ICPP and ICDCS. Served as an editor of IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, ACM/Springer Wireless Networks, International Journal of Sensor Networks, and International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing. Ph.D. in Computer Science, University of Minnesota.
- Board Member 【】
- to be annouced. :
- Board Member 【】
- to be annouced. :
- Treasurer
- Lilly Z. : Various experiences in mergers & acquisitions, equity and debt capital raising, and corporate strategic transactions. Previously worked at the Investment Banking Division at Morgan Stanley. Served as a Board member at Reach The World, an education nonprofit organization. M.B.A. in Finance & Strategy, MIT Sloan School of management.
- Learning & Development
- Gina S. : Retired and lives with family in France. Born and grew up in Ireland. Previously worked as a licensed creative arts therapist in medical center and psychiatric institutions in NYC. A graduate of the Pratt Institute in NY and Trinity College Dublin in Ireland with a B.A. in English Literature and History of Art.
- Dr. Yijie Z. : Executive Director & Head of Real World Statistics and Analytics at Vertex Pharmaceuticals. Previously held various positions at Abbvie and Merck. 20+ statistical & medical publications. PhD in Biostatistics, Johns Hopkins University.
- Guiding & Training
- Linda H. : Founded multiple companies, including Nurture the Body, Nurture the Soul, Connect to Spirit, Yoga Healing with Linda, and Eat to Nurture. 20+ years of experience in spiritual life coaching, facilitating group and individual international wellness retreats, energy work, nutrition coaching, yoga and meditation. Passionate about helping people transform life experiences into meaningful, nurturing embodiments with greater purpose. Studied with many teachers from India and the USA. Certifications in YTT (Yoga), Meditation, and IIN (Nutrition). Graduated with a B.A. degree from Fordham University in New York.
- Stephanie Y. : President of Bravura Youth Orchestra & Board member at Bravura Philharmonic Orchestra. Previously held a Fund Manager position at JPMorgan Investment Management. M.E. in Financial Engineering, Cornell University.
- Dr. Yijie Z. : see above.
- Contributing Team
- USA: Alex, Carolyn, Claire, Eileen, Hua, Hui, Jason, Jenny, Jinsong, Jundan, Laura, Shelley, Tiffany
- Europe: Gina
- Asia: Andrew, Jennifer
- Community Building & Outreach
- Eileen L. : Real estate investor. Previously served in several professional and community associations. Participated and led groups in trainings such as “Journey to Intimacy”, National Alliance on Mental Illness parent & teacher qualification training. M.B.A., The Maastricht School of Management (Netherlands).
- Jundan L. : Mother of 4 children. Previously held an instructor position in “Happy Mom, Win-Win Life” workshop, and participated in various programs such as “Effortless Prosperity -Bijan”, “Inner Engineering -Sadhguru.” M.A. in Developmental & Educational Psychology, Beijing Normal University.
- Areas (continued to be updated)
- Linda H. : Healing & Practitioners. See above.
- Laura I. : Healing & Executives. Founder and CEO of Ianuly Talent Accelerators, an executive search firm for venture-backed start-ups. Built DoubleClick, Roku and Integral Ad Science to successful IPO or acquisition. Also an owner representative for luxury renovations. A graduate with a B.S. from Denison University and attended La Sorbonne and Sciences Politiques in Paris, France. Enjoys sailing, tennis, pickleball and skiing.
- Jennifer L. : Healing & Educators. Founder of Mind Home education & growth center. Specializes in child-specific consultation and family education planning. American Montessori Society (AMS) certified Montessori teacher. R&D of early childhood education teaching tools for Ages 0-7. Initiated integrated teaching combining Montessori math and Singapore math. Instructor of Parent Effectiveness Training (PET) in parent-child communication. Among the 1st trained in infant observation in psychoanalysis in China. B.S. in Finance, Syracuse University.
- Hua Z. : Healing & Businesses. Lead Sales Associate at Wismettac Asian Foods. Previously held managerial and marketing roles in various industries (industrial, restaurant etc). M.A. in International Business & Culture, Shukutoku University (Japan), and a graduate of Kokushikan University & Shandong Foreign Trade Vocational College.
- Stephanie Y. : Healing & Families. Mother of 3 children. See above.
- Digital Library
- Stephanie Y., Hua Z., Dr. Yijie Z.
- Contributing Team: Andrew, Angel, Anita, Bev, Dr. Bi, Dr. Chen, Crystal, Cynthia, Eileen, Gina, Hua, Hui, Jason, Jennifer, Jenny L., Jenny W. Jinsong, Jundan, Laura, Lei, Lin, Natasha, Sam, Shelley, Sisi, Sunhee, Tiffany, Yasmin
- support@unlockhighestdimension.org
- UHD 是心怀以下使命的非营利性公司:
- 聚集全球有灵性恩赐的人,开启他们与宇宙高维智慧的连接,从而能够完成他们的呼召,回到N维宇宙。
- 董事会主席
- William H. : 来自古老传承的疗愈隐师。致力于在全球范围内聚集有灵性恩赐的人, 开启他们与宇宙高维的连接, 并协助他们完成呼召。
- 秘书
- Steve L. 博士 : 俄亥俄州立大学计算机科学与工程系教授(1982-2024)。发表了100多篇论文,并曾在ICPP和ICDCS担任多个主席职位。担任过以下学术期刊的编辑:《IEEE并行与分布式系统汇刊》、《ACM/Springer无线网络》、《国际传感器网络期刊》、以及《国际自组网与泛在计算期刊》。明尼苏达大学计算机科学博士。
- 董事会成员【】
- [待宣布] :
- 董事会成员【】
- [待宣布] :
- 财务
- Lilly Z. : 在企业兼并收购、 上市、股权和债务融资以及企业战略交易等方面具有丰富的经验 。 曾就职于摩根史坦利投资银行部。曾担任 Reach The World 教育类非营利组织董事会成员。麻省理工大学斯隆商学院 MBA (金融&策略) 。
- 学习 & 发展
- Gina S. : 退休后现与家人居住在法国。出生并成长于爱尔兰。曾在纽约市的医疗中心和多家精神病院担任执业艺术治疗师。毕业于纽约的普拉特学院和爱尔兰的都柏林三一学院,获英文文学和艺术史学士学位。
- Yijie Z. 博士 : 在Vertex制药公司担任执行总监兼现实数据统计与分析主管。曾在艾伯维 (Abbvie) 和默克 (Merck) 任职多项职位。发表了20篇以上统计和医学方面的论文。约翰·霍普金斯大学生物统计学博士。
- 带领 & 培训
- Linda H. :创立了多家公司 “Nurture the Body”、“Nurture the Soul”、“Connect to Spirit”、“Yoga Healing with Linda”和“Eat to Nurture”。拥有20多年经验指导精神生活、组织团体和个人的国际性健康静修活动、能量疗愈、营养指导、瑜伽和冥想。专注于帮助人们将生活经历转化为更有意义、更具滋养性和更有目标的实践。曾跟随多位来自印度和美国的导师学习。持有瑜伽教师培训(YTT)、冥想和IIN(营养学)等认证。纽约福特姆大学学士学位。
- Stephanie Y. : Bravura 青年乐团主席兼 Bravura 爱乐乐团董事会成员。曾任职于摩根大通投资管理公司,担任基金管理经理。康奈尔大学金融工程硕士。
- Yijie Z. 博士. : 背景信息见上。
- 贡献者团队
- 美国: Alex, Carolyn, Claire, Eileen, Hua, Hui, Jason, Jenny, Jinsong, Jundan, Laura, Shelley, Tiffany
- 欧洲: Gina
- 亚洲: Andrew, Jennifer
- 社区建设 & 外联
- Eileen L. : 房地产投资人。曾在多个职业和社区协会中任职,参与并带领了“亲密之旅”、全国精神疾病联盟 (NAMI) 家长和教师资格培训等课程的学习。荷兰马斯特里赫特管理学院 MBA。
- Jundan L. : 四个孩子的母亲。曾担任“开心妈妈双赢人生”工作坊的指导员老师,并参与了 “轻而易举的富足-彼尚” 和 “内在工程-萨古鲁” 等多个课程。北京师范大学发展与教育心理学硕士。
- 领域 (持续更新中)
- Linda H. : 疗愈 & 从业者, 背景信息见上。
- Laura I. : 疗愈 & 高管 , Ianuly Talent Accelerators 的创始人兼首席执行官,专注于为风险投资所支持的初创公司提供高管招聘服务。帮助 DoubleClick、Roku 和 Integral Ad Science 招募团队直到公司成功上市或被收购。同时也是豪华装修项目的业主代表。毕业于丹尼森大学本科,并曾在法国巴黎的索邦大学和巴黎政治学院学习。热爱帆船、网球、匹克球和滑雪运动。
- Jennifer L. : 疗愈 & 教育者, 安妙屋成长中心创办人。擅长儿童个案咨询和家庭教育规划 。美国AMS蒙特梭利认证老师。0-7岁早期教育教学产品研发 。蒙式数学和新加坡数学融合教学发起人。PET亲子效能沟通讲师。精神分析婴儿观察中国首批受训者。雪城大学金融本科。
- Hua Z. : 疗愈 & 商业 . Wismettac 亚洲食品公司销售主管。曾在多个行业 (工业,餐饮等) 担任管理和市场营销职位。日本淑德大学国际商务与文化硕士。日本国士馆大学及山东外贸职业学院校友。
- Stephanie Y. : 疗愈 & 家庭. 三个孩子的母亲。其它背景信息见上。
- 数字资料库
- Stephanie Y., Hua Z., Yijie Z. 博士
- 贡献者团队: Andrew, Angel, Anita, Bev, Dr. Bi, Dr. Chen, Crystal, Cynthia, Eileen, Gina, Hua, Hui, Jason, Jennifer, Jenny L., Jenny W. Jinsong, Jundan, Laura, Lei, Lin, Natasha, Sam, Shelley, Sisi, Sunhee, Tiffany, Yasmin
- support@unlockhighestdimension.org